The Be Attitudes – 2 Parables in Jesus Teachings Explained

The be attitudes are amazing lessons for us to follow found in the book of Matthew, chapter 5, verses 3 – 12. The be attitudes are genuine teachings of Christ, introducing qualities we already possess and purity mindsets within the Spiritual body of peace. 

This state of being explained by Christ is the final stage near the conclusion of renewing the mind. 

Consequently, the be attitude expresses a well-being in mind in a relationship with the Universe. These dynamic teachings are for souls ready to accept Christ’s enlightenment through the Holy Ghost’s Love and guidance. 

Furthermore, this inner guidance is led by feelings and emotions felt through constant regard of “being still,” this has to become a daily practice to achieve this awareness in mindful meditation.

The be attitudes serve as a reminder of the higher purpose in all given upon reincarnation to fulfill a purpose given within. When we quiet the mind, it permits our Soul to listen in a way the human mind can not comprehend.

The Sermon on the Mount Gives Insights to Spirituality.

In reality, this life force energy is inherent and guides us in understanding our true nature. Through stillness, we surrender our way of being by allowing our minds to access our higher purpose in removing energies felt that no longer serve us. 

For example, if we choose to intentionally “be still,” the Holy Spirit can loosen energies of inner hurt, anger, and lust, to name a few. God’s Holy Ghost is permitted to gently guide its child in each moment, which allows a peaceful union. Try it whenever you feel compelled to; this is your higher calling. 

Christ said:

KJV Matthew 5: Verse 11

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.”

Specifically, through the teachings of Christ, you beautify the mind. So many of us are walking in a way of not allowing Love to shine within us. A spiritually asleep Soul may criticize or denounce this way of true worship (meditation).

In other words, be grateful because you have placed peace within your subconscious mind. But unfortunately, many continue not to seek Love and truth in Spirit. They cannot find this peace with their alter ego or virgin senses. 

Accordingly, through transcendental meditation with intentions, you create an admission into Christ’s teachings through God’s Holy Ghost. These are the works given unto each Soul necessary for Self-realization.

In most cases, when a soul has not achieved this level of understanding, one can feel the Universal Law of Polarity within their spiritual body.

Comment appropriately to “and persecute you, “

Religious teachers or others who are spiritually sleeping can become outraged and expel you from their sight. In addition, they fail by not allowing a way for the gospels of Love and truth to reveal themselves. 

Christ said: Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 

Matthew 15:14

The attitudes serve as a state of mind in conscious awareness.

Comment appropriately to: “and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.”

At any rate, religious leaders may unknowingly dismiss these teachings of Christ because of traditions. Some prophets, me, for instance, have received mistreatment in the same manner for the sake of Love and truth.

KJV Matthew 5: Verse 12

Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”

Delight yourself in the renewing of the subconscious mind (exceedingly glad). 

Acceptance within the mind is a constant spiritual battle.

Subsequently, becoming aware of your energy traits against you is the Lord’s battle; you don’t have to do it alone. Besides, we aren’t strong enough to do this alone. 

Comment appropriately to “for great is your reward in heaven:” 

Because you begin to accept the teachings of Christ, enormous works can transcend the consciousness of the Self. Transforming the mind is a daily surrender that only you can do for yourself with the guidance of the Spirit.   

These attitudes and mindsets can assist us on our daily journey to Self-discovery. 

Note: Your conscious mind (heaven) in the spiritual body is the top three chakras from the crown chakra, the mind’s eye, commonly known as your third eye, and the throat chakra. 

Your subconscious mind is within your spiritual body; they are the lower three chakras, beginning from your root chakra to your sacral chakra. Thus leading to your solar plexus chakra.

Your super-conscious mind is near your heart center in the heart chakra. If you accept this truth, your superconscious mind will never mislead you. 

However, because you have “Free Will,” you can choose what is righteous in your mind.

Special Note: The Father created an image of itself called the virgin mind and placed it within your nature heart chakra for every Soul to renew their mind to consciousness.

As faith would have it, your virgin mind is the inner alter ego mind opposed to the Father’s will, Love, and truth.

Adjusting Our Attitude to Love is a Journey to Self-Discovery.

Comment appropriately to “for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”

In most cases, those of us who choose to find peace in our daily walk in Christ have been met with force against a choice. The be attitudes are a constant reminder to remain vigilant of those who desire to mistreat you because of their weakness. 

All who have come before us may have felt these afflictions possible during a spiritual awakening.

When a mind is living divided in the alter ego away from truths. It cannot weigh against realities and evil. Therefore, it is against itself, leaving a reason to believe it is the physical body, which means in mind, no peace.

Note: Because of this, persecution of righteousness ensues the renewing of the mind. Thus, the alter ego, or the “I” in I am, creates feelings of separation from oneness with God.

Decide for yourself and choose Love. It’s God’s will for us all.

Thank you for your presence with us today, and please feel free to visit us anytime. 

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