Jesus Christ’s Birthday – 3 Untold Truths!

Why did the Messiah omit Jesus Christ’s birthday from his teachings? Does this mean our Lord and Savior did not have a date of birth?

Contrarily, many followers of Christ may never discover Jesus Christ’s birthday. It isn’t mentioned anywhere in the Bible. Besides, our Lord and Savior knew the Old Testament was perplexed by the religious leader’s many edits.

Jesus Christ’s birthday reveals the spirit within you!

If Jesus Christ’s birthday were that important to the Messiah, he would have made us aware of it. In John 6:38, Jesus said:

John 6:38 |
For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

Comment appropriately to:For I came down from heaven.”

We forget that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was fully awakened and anointed by the Holy Spirit. In this meaning, he was in full consciousness of himself through God’s Holy Ghost. Therefore, His teachings omitted his birthday anywhere listed in the Bible.

Of course, we do acknowledge his physical birth and the miracle associated with it. However, the resurrection holds truths in spirit necessary for enlightenment.

Furthermore, coming down would indicate being spiritual; we must incarnate into a physical body. Here is where this gets tricky. Being conceived by God’s Holy Spirit, feminine energy, his conception wasn’t in the material form of men.
In other words, you and I are made of man and have start and finish dates. He, the Messiah, being in spirit, has beginning and ending cycles in the spiritual realm of possibilities.

The Redeemer’s birthday did happen!

Therefore, he was born of the spirit, meaning the date isn’t relative to his purpose. Cancel Christmas; this pagan holiday has misled many to the unrighteous seeking of Christ—blasphemy of God’s throne with severe implications to obtain moral reasoning. To chase after a figure (Santa Claus) and give it higher importance and say it’s Jesus Christ birthday is your ability to find truths within one’s Self.

Although Jesus Christ came into being as a physical mother, our true mother (you and me) is in the consciousness of the mind; Heaven (mother). The sense of the Self, our true nature.

We, in many cases, believe that we are the human mind (alter ego), thinking we are the body in this awareness. We are much more significant than this!

Comment appropriately tonot to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

Moreover, the Messiah brings light to his purpose. He is doing the will of our Heavenly Father, bringing Love and truth upon Gaia, Mother Earth.

Although his birth happened, Jesus Christ’s birth date isn’t listed anywhere in the Bible.

In all truths, we lose direction on why not to celebrate an artificial holiday such as Christmas.


In the essence of Love, Jesus Christ Mystery Teachings Through Parables provides a deeper meaning to his parables (love stories of finding God’s Kingdom).

For this reason, we can look closer at verses that shed light on the birthday misalignment of our vibrations on why traditions are artificial in finding God’s Kingdom.

In celebrating a manufactured holiday for earthly riches, we lose focus on Jesus Christ’s true purpose for our life, which is finding him in our hearts. In all truths, Jesus Christ is a one-on-one relationship, NOT a religion!

Here’s a great resource of knowledge in the King

#2 The true meaning of Love of Christ.

Subsequently, the Messiah warned us that there would be distractions from doing the will of our Father, which is art in Heavenly. Following others without knowing our true nature turns our conscious thoughts into things outside ourselves. Jesus Christ manifested in the physical; however, a birthday isn’t fulfilling His purpose.

In renewing our minds, we must first seek truths within ourselves, revealing our true Self. For example, in Matthew 15: 3, Jesus says:

Matthew 15:3 |

But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?

Comment appropriately to Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?

To this end, why do you follow age-old traditions given to you by men that violate my New Commandments from the Father, which are righteous?

Jesse’s comments: Our Lord commanded us not to do so for many reasons: to follow traditions! For one, traditions misguide away from truths that dwell within us. We must remove these distractions from the mind to gain insights into the inner workings of consciousness to the Father; when following others blindly, you ignore the Commandments unconsciously given unto us by his Son, Jesus Christ.

These behaviors have implications, and I care to avoid going into details of Universal Laws to adjust my way of thinking consciously. God loves you, and Love will carry you through spiritual teachings.

In addition, Jesus said in Mark, Chapter 7:

Mark 7:9

And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

Thus, you continue to reject my Commandments of the Father by persisting in your tradition of earthly riches.

Generally, I encourage you to reconsider celebrating vain holidays (traditions) rejecting the Lord’s New Commandment given unto Him by our Father.

#3 The Messiah’s daily walk is life in newness.

Indeed, Jesus intended for you to recognize Him in every moment of your day in conscious thought when you take a moment to rest your thinking and become mindful of your breaths. This form of Worship grounds our soul to open a way of hearing in spirit. It takes awareness; therefore, celebrating traditions distracts you from the inner work required for consciousness.

However, the moment we begin to allow ourselves to celebrate a particular date of his birth, we lose focus of our purpose in Him.

Therefore, seek God in all things, not as opposed to manufactured traditions. May our Lord bless you in each moment leading to righteous thinking and enlightenment.

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