Holy Matrimony – 7 Parables on How to Love Marriage in Mind

Jesus explains marriage in mind.

Holy matrimony is the consciousness of the union with the Self (God). A Soul departs its Father and Mother (Mind of the Father) for righteous thinking (Love).  Once a light being has obtained the renewing of the mind, it has fully recovered its awareness of its identity. 

In retrospect, finding the Kingdom of God takes a lot of effort and releasing of its will, and surrendering to a higher calling in mind. This marriage, holy matrimony, serves as the virgin mind’s path to discovery and overcoming domination in its pleasures. 

Christ the Savior gave us parables along our journey which provide those willing to surrender to its higher will to become redeemed as a Child of God full of life. We certainly understand our imagination uses everything done in the mind. 

Therefore, its holy matrimony marriage is the union of spirit with its child full of abundance.

KJV Matthew 25: verse 1

Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

Indeed, this is for your awareness of the kingdom of Heaven. For this reason, the child’s domain is a mind unaware and in search of knowledge and understanding.

Thus, it took awareness of its true nature outside the kingdom to obtain consciousness (lamp). In addition, it searched for its true nature in enlightenment efforts (Meet the Bridegroom).

Note: Christ, our Lord, refers to our alter ego-mind as the virgin mind given unto each Soul upon creation. For it is pure, unblemished in every way, and it is the image of our Heavenly Father. Once this inner purity of mind leaves its Father (consciousness), it cleaves into the internal sense of the Self in search of discovering itself. 

KJV Matthew 25: verse 2

And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

Nonetheless, in preparation for taking its incarnation outside the Kingdom, the five virgin minds prepared themselves for studies in the Kingdom of Heaven. In addition, the other five could have prepared for its incarnation better (foolish).  

KJV Matthew 25: verse 3

They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

As a result, the unprepared minds took consciousness of their purpose and no awareness (oil) upon searching for the bridegroom.

KJV Matthew 25: verse 4

But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

Notwithstanding, the wise souls took awareness (oil) in their conscious light to seek the righteousness of the bridegroom. 

KJV Matthew 25: verse 5

While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

Once more, while the Lord wasn’t entirely in their awareness, most felt separation (slumbered) because of darkness (slept). This form of resistance creates an energy of not allowing Love and truth for holy matrimony.

Jesus Teaching on Expanding Consciousness is Ongoing.

KJV Matthew 25: verse 6

And at midnight, a cry was made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

So, when the time (midnight) came, a sound of sorrow (cry) was clear; indeed, the Lord was near. Thus, the virgin mind made itself ready to receive his arrival. 

Note: In this parable, midnight can refer to the part of the cycle where a Soul has little to no awareness of its nature to reach enlightenment. In this case, the Soul is in the darkness of the light within itself. A merging in mind is difficult for the child because it persecutes the denial of Love. 

KJV Matthew 25: verse 7

Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

Likewise, with the arrival of the Lord, the mind made itself aware of the higher Self in its vibrational alignment (virgin arose) to allow its light (trimmed lamp) for greater clarity.

Special Note:

Awareness – Refers to inner knowing or feelings without physical evidence. The oil in your lamp is awareness of the mind. 

Bridechamber – Refers to a conscious mind ready to accept Christ’s teachings in the New Testament. 

Bridegroom – Refers to Christ, Lord, and Savior.

Candle/Stick – Refers to a Soul walking in the darkness of the light. We all are luminous beings. 

Thank you for joining us with your presence by expanding your conscious thinking here and now. For more, please visit our blogs with Love as our intention. 

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