Forgiveness in the Bible – 5 Lessons I Learned that Saved Me

Living by forgiveness in the Bible seems almost impossible in our forever-changing world. Learning how to cope with forgiveness, let alone following the dynamic rules of biblical scripture, takes effort. 

For one, I’m here to tell you I have done it. Learning how forgiveness in the Bible works is your first step to transforming yourself. Then, and only then, does it have a chance to change in our society.  

So often, we’re so eager to change the next guy or gal next to us first to our way of thinking. However, this is the furthest thing from the truth. The art of forgiveness takes a comment in a profound, meaningful way.  

Christ said: 

Mark 11:26

But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

In this meaning, when we do not allow ourselves to let go (do not forgive). We make allowances for negative energies to overcome our subconscious mind of emotions. How can the Universe (Father, in consciousness) excuse us when we mistreat others wrongfully (trespass)?

As a result, we begin holding onto energies within our nature that don’t serve us, such as anger, fear, doubt, and worry, to name a few. For this reason, we should try to stop and breathe deeply and gather our conscious thoughts to calm the mind. 

Forgiveness in the Bible must become a way of life. Also, be aware that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. Furthermore, it takes a strong-minded person to go within and find the release of this inner hold of emotions within us. 

The First Lesson I learned was the Universal Law of Grace.

finding forgiveness in a challenging world through biblical terms.

An apology is only sometimes necessary but should be required. Nevertheless, the apology may not be given at all by either individual. Accordingly, deep-rooted feelings are left unresolved, suppressed, or even unhealed. 

Additionally, if you feel you are the victim, do not offer an apology because you are avoiding the truth. Because you are the stronger Soul, be at peace as Love prevails. 

Truthfully, this big, loving Universe has no wrong or right way. For there is only one better way to Love; both Souls will only see things from their perspective. 

Being still in mindfulness meditation raises your awareness and Love vibrations. 

In this knowing, each person learns a better way to Love out of possession of their understanding of what Love feels like. 

In the meantime, beneath it lies a Soul carrying wounds needing to reconcile in one form or another. Sound healing tones or stillness creates an admission into the teachings of Christ as a student/disciple. 

Christ said:

Mark 11:25

And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

In other words, when you pray from your bending knees (stand praying). Forgive everyone who has come against you on that day. Therefore, your Heavenly Father, who sees everything, may forgive you also when you lend improper thoughts in mind against another.

Note: The Universal mind of consciousness dwells within us and all around us. In this awareness, before actions or deeds, it first must come in thought. 

In addition, the Law of Grace permits the divine dispensation of mercy. It develops a spiritual knowing of miracles received through God’s Holy Spirit gently guiding its will through us. 

The Second Lesson I Had to Master was the Universe’s Law of Free Will.

Regardless of how life presents a situation, you can never predict how a person may respond to your action. A Soul’s “free will” is even allowed exploration by our creator. In this awareness, we should allow each person to make a choice or decision for themself. 

Thus, you can remain open to what is suitable for you! Allowing the other person their “free will” is part of Souls’ birthright. We must not impose our will upon another. Additionally, your conclusion may not align with the other person’s desired outcome. 

We can co-create anything our hearts desire upon Mother Earth. However, we are not permitted to take charge of another’s mind. Again, forgiveness is a part of removing hurt from within our nature from another.  

Christ said: 

Luke 11:4

And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

The Lord’s Prayer serves as forgiveness in the Bible. Therefore, we request that our Lord and Savior carefully omit our sins. Thus, we should also forgive everyone who removes Love (indebted) from us. Remember, true wealth in a spiritual sense is Love energy. 

Furthermore, do not lead us to wrongful thinking in mind (direct us not to unrighteous thought). Above all, bring us out of our ego mindset (deliver us). 

The Third Lesson I Had to Grasp was Compassion.

On this journey to Self-discovery, I began exploring forgiveness in the Bible by scripture. I had to grasp the concept of allowing for peaceful talks if the other person was willing. 

In most cases, our emotions can cloud our minds from peaceful chats with one another. Sometimes, our alter-ego mind can get in the way of trying to prove a point on how we feel solely based on hurt.

In contrast, we give our power to the other person who sees things from their perspective. So, how can I remain in a calm demeanor? 

Christ said: 

KJV Matthew 18: verse 15

Moreover, if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.

Consequently, tell them privately if your friend intruded on your peace of mind against you with their words, actions, or deeds. Thus, if they consider how they mistreated you (hear thee), you have regained their Love.  

Note: Before words, come thinking in mind. We should become compassionate to every Soul’s way of life by gently aligning sympathetically with Love.

KJV Matthew 18: verse 16

But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

Consequently, in haste with inner anger, he does not hear you. 

However, if he does not receive you, then take one or two others in Christ that the word of Love is deeply rooted (established).

The Fourth Lesson I Had to Study was Mercy.

Neither person is right or wrong, regardless of the situation. The Universal Law of Free Will says otherwise. We are here on this planet to explore Love however we choose. Yes, this sometimes sounds unethical, but it’s true. 

No artificial piece of paper such as a marriage certificate will ever violate the Universe’s Law of Love. It’s a God-given birthright; you get to choose whichever way you like for your life.

Furthermore, you will succeed regardless in the realms of heaven above earthly rules. We are spiritual beings here to explore Love and how we see it for ourselves. Love is the key and not just any Love. Unconditional love without judgment is the foundation of peace of mind.  

Suppose conditions are more than one can bear—a choice to find and hold Love in God’s timing may be best. Ask, believe, and receive; truly, you shall receive what is rightfully true to Love the way you need to fulfill your heart’s desire. We were meant to live our lives in total peace in God’s presence.

The Universal Law of Mercy is simply finding peace of mind whether you are giving or receiving it. To find mercy is to find peace within the subconscious mind. Your feelings of emotions are allowed to rest in Christ, our Lord. 

Christ said: 

KJV Matthew 11: verse 30

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Indeed, my thoughts are uncomplicated, and my concerns are unimportant.

The Fifth Lesson I Had to Receive was Remission.

Living by Bible's forgiveness. Dramatic young man feeling distraught and stressed from emotional pressure. Frustrated male person sitting at home hitting couch with hand acting aggressive

KJV Matthew 5: Verse 44

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Comment appropriately to “But I say unto you,” 

As for the New Commandments.

Comment appropriately to “Love your enemies,”

Love those who come against you and trust in the Lord for righteousness’ sake and the Father’s will. (Love and Truth)

Comment appropriately to “bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,” 

Undoubtedly, we must invite a more profound meaning on how the Lord advises us to proceed and, most importantly, why.

Consequently, offer a blessing in prayer to those who despise or curse you. We proceed into the Universal Law of Forgiveness as we allow God’s Holy Ghost to flow to and through this event. 

This inner strength of doing good for others results in obtaining (receiving) more of what you give away freely, the conscious awareness of Love. Also, to do good to those who dislike you is an action of Love and kindness. But be that it may, you can only give away what is inside your own heart.

Comment appropriately to “and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;”

Albeit in the same reasoning of forgiveness, when we pray for others who despite or persecute us! We are indeed praying for these blessings over our own lives. So, therefore, do this in sincerity!

In this beautiful world we live in, one thing is sure. You don’t have to go at it alone. Within each of us is a profound amount of help of angels awaiting your request.

Believe in the gospels. Peace and Love are awaiting your call. 

We are grateful to have your presence with us today! Be sure to read more of our content on the teaching of Jesus Christ or the blog post Marriage in Mind to Holy Matrimony. Thank you, and have a good day.

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