Jesus Christ Mystery Teachings Through Parables

Recognize Amazing Lifeforce Energy Within Yourself

Author : Jesse Williams Jr.

Journey To Enlightenment

Welcome, enter ye in the straight gate which leads to life the way our Lord and Savior intended it to be. We are here to help and assist you on your journey to enlightenment.

Full of happiness, true wealth, health, prosperity, peace of mind, and above all, Love! Here you’ll find all that there is to seek the light of the world, Jesus Christ in truth!

Our Promise

We will remain with gentleness, caring, and most importantly, patience when it comes to your presence with us.

Our hearts are with you both in spirit and truth. For this reason, we want to allow you to have the most pleasant experience while exploring our site.

Similarly, when you come to us, we ask that you bring your light and Love ready to embrace oneness through Christ. Therefore, our Lord’s intentions are accessible to the heart in renewing the mind.

Mark 1:17 | KJV Bible

And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

Comment appropriately to ”Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.”

In essence, our Lord is stating: Once you have become fully awakened into Self-realization, “fishers of men.”

Other souls may experience an incredible feeling in your presence and can sense their inconceivable emotions. Many will be incapable of expressing how or what they are feeling concerning the elect with full consciousness.

On a vibrational level, people (souls) will be drawn to you on a spiritual level of alignment that they will not be able to understand.

Nonetheless, allow others in your presence to accept your light in your vibrations. Bring healing from words of Love.

Upcoming Previews:

For this purpose, we will open our hearts to future releases of video, vlogs, blogs, and content to assist you on your journey to enlightenment.

Therefore, be sure to sign up to receive your daily text from Christ our Lord in spirit.